Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy & Life Coaching
Online hypnosis sessions available
from anywhere in the world

When you find the peace in yourself,
then you will find peace in the world

“Hypnosis is the most effective way
of giving up smoking, according to the
largest ever scientific comparison
of ways of breaking the habit.”
~New Scientist

"The creative, love-something life
is also the healthy one.
There is healing and protection
in doing what makes you happy."
~Richard Bach

Freedom is oxygen for the soul

“It’s hard to find a field that hasn’t used hypnosis successfully,
everything from quitting smoking to Irritable Bowel Syndrome”
~Good Morning America/ABC News

“I just woke up one day
and decided I didn’t want
to feel like that anymore,
or ever again.
So I changed.” ~Rumi

People have a hard time
letting go of their suffering.
Out of a fear of the unknown,
they prefer suffering
that is familiar.
~Thich Nhat Hanh

Choose to end limiting thoughts
Free your mind and truly enjoy life

"If we did all the things
we are capable of doing,
we would literally astound ourselves."
~Thomas Edison

Are You Like Most People?

Do you feel stuck? Want something different? A better life? A more peaceful life? Are there challenges such as health, emotional or performance issues at home, work or personally?

If you've been TRYING to change its because life isn't what you want it to be.

Everything in the past hasn't worked - and you're now open to new and exciting alternative solutions.

THE GOOD NEWS IS... the subconscious mind is responsible for an overwhelming majority of your habits, thought processes and reactions. Hypnosis accesses this area of your mind and substitutes new, more positive tools, thought patterns and habits so you achieve your goal.

Hypnosis and the Power of Your Subconscious Mind

Meridian Peak Hypnosis offers Hypnosis, Life and Business Coaching for a calmer mind and healthy lifestyle. Hypnosis is safe, natural, effective and long-lasting without the harmful side effects of prescription medication.

Hypnosis can be used to address a wide range of topics from bad habits to anxiety to improving relationships. Studies show people of all age groups, mental capacities and life experiences readily respond to hypnosis.

Hypnosis is often successful when other traditional methods fail.

Hypnosis is 100% natural and prescription-free. Your body is designed and has the ability to improve naturally.

You're Ready to Get Started
There Are Several Ways

Easy online scheduling 24x7x365
Click Here to Schedule An Appointment

Here's Our Number: (630) 686-2626

Get your questions answered at a set time
Click Here to Schedule A Call

Send our practitioners specific questions
Click Here to E-mail Us

There are so many ways hypnosis can help
Click Here For A Comprehensive List of All the Ways Hypnosis Can Help You Improve