Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy & Life Coaching

Hypnosis is a powerful tool that changes your thinking

change your thinking with the power of hypnosis

Hypnosis is a powerful tool to change your thinking. Switch from negative to positive and see your life change in ways you never imagined. Meridian Peak Hypnosis works with clients worldwide.

We can be either our best coach or our worst enemy.  Change starts from within.  If you want to become more positive, you have to change the words you use both in your thinking and the words you speak.  We are the hardest on ourselves and a stream of negative self-talk eliminates the good from actually becoming reality.

Negative thoughts can be overwhelming and a challenge to navigate.  Negativity is usually accompanied by an irrational response — especially when tied to relationships.  This becomes debilitating and throws fuel into the “negativity fire,” causing more worry, more stress and more of the negative you don’t seek.

You are responsible for your thoughts

People that consistently believe that things happen to them handicap themselves to a victim mentality.  This is a subtle and deceptive negative thought pattern.  Blaming circumstances and others only handicaps our decision to change something negative into something positive.

Taking full responsibility for your life, your thoughts and actions is one of the biggest steps in creating a more positive life.  You have so much potential within to create your own amazing reality, change your life and change your thoughts.  When you really begin to internalize this, you discover that no one can make us feel or do anything.  You choose your emotional and behavioral response to people and situations.

What hypnosis and hypnotherapy help you create:

• A more relaxed feeling than you’ve felt in a long time (or ever!)
• The ability to set aside situations and truly enjoy life
• A new perspective in your mind
• An ability to choose your reactions to situations
• A growing sense of calm and relaxation in your mind and body
• A self-respect, self-love and self-esteem that you’ve never felt for yourself before

Hypnosis is proven more effective than traditional counseling

In a study in American Health Magazine, hypnosis and hypnotherapy have a 93% success rate compared with lower results from other methods of therapy which require far more sessions.  Click here to learn more about hypnosis and its high success rate.

Meridian Peak Hypnosis practitioners craft a custom hypnosis plan that get you feeling better.  99% of our clients report a significant change in how they feel in the first visit.

You're Ready to Schedule Your Appointment

We can work with you in-office, via phone, via Google Meet or via Apple Facetime worldwide. Scheduling is fast and easy online. We are happy to answer questions at anytime by calling our office or send an e-mail to: questions@meridianpeakhypnosis.com.

Our Practitioners Are Committed To Your Success - Click to Schedule

Marc Holm, CHt

Clients ages 14 & up
Initial Visit (In-Office)
Follow-Up Visit (In-Office)
Initial Visit (Online Only)
Follow-Up Visit (Online Only)
Jodi Grubman, CH

Clients ages 16 & up
Initial Visit (In-Office)
Follow-Up Visit (In-Office)
Initial Visit (Online Only)
Follow-Up Visit (Online Only)

Additional Information:

Wikipedia - Hypnotherapy
Wikipedia - Self Hypnosis
National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH)