Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy & Life Coaching

Hypnosis is a method of pain management

pain management using the power of your mind

Pain can be controlled using the power of your mind. Hypnosis as a way of therapy can be used to control pain and even eliminate it from the body. Meridian Peak Hypnosis works with clients worldwide to help reduce pain and the need for medications with side effects.

Hypnosis is one of the most effective methods of dealing with pain.  Hypnosis induces a trace-like state, which creates relaxation, a focused mind and acceptance of new words in the subconscious mind.  This is the part of the mind that controls the pain sensations that go the brain.

Hypnosis can not only affect the physical component of pain, but also the emotional overlay.  Hypnosis can relieve pain of varying intensity from any part of the body.

Hypnosis is an accepted replacement for anesthesia in surgery in six states in the United States.

Hypnosis and hypoanalgesia/hypoanesthesia

Hypnosis provides hypoanalgesia (to reduce pain) and hypoanesthesia (to convert pain to numbness).  There are four stages of hypoanalgesia:

1.  Preparation – the hypnotherapist clarifies the process
2.  Direct/indirect hypnotic inductions – the client enters a relaxed, focused state
3.  Therapeutic suggestions – the hypnotherapist directs the mind to imagery, creating the ability to forget pain
4.  Posthypnotic suggestion and termination – reinforces the therapeutic suggestions

Hypnosis for pain management has additional benefits

See yourself in a whole new light, allow others to see the glow within you, feel more relaxed around others and feel great from the inside out — its all possible using hypnosis.  Meridian Peak practitioners craft a custom hypnosis plan that get you feeling better.  99% of our clients report a significant change in how they feel after the first visit.

Hypnosis is proven more effective than traditional counseling

In a study in American Health Magazine, hypnosis and hypnotherapy have a 93% success rate compared with lower results from other methods of therapy which require far more sessions.  Click here to learn more about hypnosis and its high success rate.

You're Ready to Schedule Your Appointment

We can work with you in-office, via phone, via Google Meet or via Apple Facetime worldwide. Scheduling is fast and easy online. We are happy to answer questions at anytime by calling our office or send an e-mail to: questions@meridianpeakhypnosis.com.

Our Practitioners Are Committed To Your Success - Click to Schedule

Marc Holm, CHt

Clients ages 14 & up
Initial Visit (In-Office)
Follow-Up Visit (In-Office)
Initial Visit (Online Only)
Follow-Up Visit (Online Only)
Jodi Grubman, CH

Clients ages 16 & up
Initial Visit (In-Office)
Follow-Up Visit (In-Office)
Initial Visit (Online Only)
Follow-Up Visit (Online Only)

Additional Information:

Wikipedia - Hypnotherapy
Wikipedia - Self Hypnosis
National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH)