Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy & Life Coaching

Meridian Peak HypnosisHypnosis can be used to address a wide range of topics from habits to fears to improving relationships.  Studies show people of all age groups readily respond to hypnosis. Hypnosis is often successful when other conventional methods fail.

We offer hypnosis in our offices in the Chicago area and worldwide via online sessions. We work with anyone from anywhere — the process is the same in-office or online.

Behavior Chain Improvement
Emotional Dysregulation
Improve Your Confidence
Self Esteem
Positive Thinking
Stopping Negative Thoughts
Stop a Racing Mind
Stop Feeling Depressed
Reduce & Eliminate Brain Fog
Stop Feeling Inadequate
Stop Feeling Sad
Self-Centered Behavior Problems
Passive Resistance Improvement
Increase Your Ambition
Improve Emotional Intelligence
Disruptive Thinking Enhancement
Stop Worrying
Navigating Life's Challenges
Heal Your Inner Child
Letting Go of the Past
Fear Release
Victim Mentality
Confidence Building
Self Acceptance
Anger Control
Overcoming Insecurity
Inhibition Release
Confidence at Work
Can't Move Forward in Life
Ideal Body Image
Overcoming Shyness
Feeling Attractive
Addicted to Failure
Become More Patient
Stop Defensiveness
End Stage Fright
Overcome Perfectionist Natures
Out of Control Impulsive Behavior
Peer Pressure
Stop Swearing & Cursing
Feeling Down
Stop Apologizing
Confidence in Class
Self Consciousness
Stop Fidgeting
Concentrate Without Distractions
Crying Uncontrollably
Success at School
Allowing Abundance
Thinking You're Not Good Enough
Winter Depression
Feeling Lost
Feeling on Edge
Limiting Beliefs Sabotage Success
Stop Overthinking
Emotional Healing
Feeling Stuck in Life
Emotions Out of Control
Reverse Negative Energy
Childhood Issues Affecting the Present
SAT Test Preparation Hypnosis
ACT Test Preparation Hypnosis
Feeling Happy Again
Eliminate Toxic Expectations
School Refusal Improvement
New Year Resolutions Success
Feeling Whole Again
Feeling Good Enough Again
Reduce & Eliminate Over Analyzing
Better Time Management
Love Your Body Again
Emotional Exhaustion
Toxic Masculinity Improvement
Independence Improvement
Imposter Syndrome
Emotional Chaos
Emotional Resilience Improvement
Preparing to Euthanize a Pet
Discovering & Unlocking Inner Potential
Embracing Prosperity & Abundance
Mental Functional Freeze
The 5 Stages of Grief Improvement
Feelings of Overwhelming Political Fear
Anxiety Dealing With Family During the Holidays
Weight Loss
Exercise Motivation
Quit Smoking
Quit Vaping
Reduce Inflammation
Ease Chronic Pain
Autoimmune Pain Relief
Type 1 Diabetes Relief
Type 2 Diabetes Improvement
Gestational Diabetes Improvement
Quit Smoking Marijuana
Quit Drinking
Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
Improve Self-Care Habits & Routines
Change Your Thinking
Caffeine Addiction
Insomnia Relief
Chronic Pain
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Fertility Issues
Prenatal - Pregnancy Hypnosis
Postpartum Depression
Nail Biting and Picking
Weight Gain
High Cortisol Levels
Grinding Teeth (Bruxism)
Reduce Soda Drinking
Irritable Bowl
Asthma Relief
Problems Sleeping or Staying Asleep
Reduce Blood Pressure
Unexplained Chest Pain
Globus Pharyngis
Fitness Motivation
Reducing Salt in Foods
Cancer Pain Therapy
Morning Sickness
Hyperemesis Gravidarum Relief
Feel More Happy
Stop Being Lazy
Improve Posture
Chemotherapy Nausea
Improve Circulation
Problems Swallowing
Medical Test Anxiety
Healthy Eating
Staying Positive During Cancer Treatment
Follow a Diabetic Diet
Pain Management
Unexplained Medical Condition
Stress Eating
Tachycardia (Rapid Heart Beat)
Tinnitus (Ear Ringing)
MRI Anxiety/Claustrophobia
Psoriasis Relief/Improvement
Throat Lump Issues
Abdominal Inflammation Reduction
Functional Vomiting Syndrome
Caregiver Syndrome Relief
Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) Symptom Relief
Mind Body Syndrome (MBS)
Tension Myositis Syndrome (TMS)
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Symptom Improvement
Narcissist and ADHD Overlapping Behavior Issues
Prioritizing Well-Being & Overall Health
Emotional Security Improvement
Feel Attractive and Confident
Self Love Improvement
Positive Self Image
Accept Yourself
Emotional Behavior Problems
Toxic Relationship Issues
Dismissive Avoidant Attachment
Marriage Improvement Hypnosis
Getting Through A Divorce
Healing from Divorce
Letting Go
Improve Self Esteem
Fear of Abandonment
Relationship Insecurity
Stop Feeling Inadequate
Getting Over a Relationship
Be Open to Receiving Abundance
Increase Dating Confidence
Fear of Meeting People
Death of a Husband
Death of a Wife
Death of a Partner
Confidence Approaching Women
Confidence Approaching Men
Being More Sociable
Being More Approachable
Death of a Parent
Fear of Commitment
Trust Yourself Again
Fear of Being Alone
Uncontrollable Sweating
Increased Sex Drive/Libido
All or Nothing Thinking
Sexual Compatibility
Stop Being So Self Centered
Stay Calm & Deal With Any Situation
Get Rid of a Negative Attitude
Stop Complaining So Much
Improve Your Emotional State of Mind
Stop Reacting, Start Responding
Trust Your Husband/Boyfriend
Bad Karma Won't Go Away
Feel Emotionally Balanced
Oversensitive Feelings & Thoughts
Feeling Too Emotional
Narcissist Thinking & Behavior
Introvert Feelings - Intense Emotions
Emotional Distress from Children Growing Up & Leaving Home
Toxic Attitude
Regain Emotional Control
Unrealistic Expectations Issues
Sex Performance Improvement
Stop Having Emotional Affairs
Heal from Breaking Up With a Girlfriend
Heal from Breaking Up With a Boyfriend
Reduce/Eliminate Codependency
Infidelity/Cheating - Rebuild Trust
React Less - Respond More
Abandonment Anxiety
Narcissist Magnet in Relationships
Separation Concerns & Anxiety
Perfectionism Issues
Hypersexuality, Compulsive Sexual Behavior or Sex Addiction
Insecure Feelings Improvement
Relieve Stress
Relieve Anxiety
General Anxiety Disorder Relief
High Functioning Anxiety Relief
Depression Relief
Stop Panic Attacks
Anxiety Management
Living In Fear
Free Floating Anxiety Relief
OCD Thoughts & Habits - Change Them
Neophobia Improvement
Overwhelming, Paralyzing Fear
Automatic Negative Thoughts
Anxiety Going To Work On Mondays
Anticipation Anxiety
PTSD - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
White Coat Syndrome
Surgery Anxiety, Fear or Tension
Bullied at School
Children Harmed by Stress
Sexual Performance Anxiety
Bathroom Anxiety
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Fearing You're Not Good Enough
Always Fearing the Worst
Stop Catastrophizing Situations
Fear of Inadequacy
Fear of Death or Dying
Afraid of the Dark
Fear of Snakes
Fear of Aging
Fear of Authority
Fear of Bees & Wasps
Fear of Being Alone
Fear of Blood Tests
Fear of Bridges
Fear of Cancer
Fear of Change
Fear of Choking
Fear of Cats
Fear of Child Birth
Fear of Conflict
Fear of Confrontation
Fear of Criticism
Fear of Crowds
Fear of Death
Fear of the Dentist
Fear of Driving
Fear of Dogs
Fear of Elevators
Fear of Failure
Fear of Finances
Fear of Fitting In
Fear of Flying
Fear of Germs
Fear of Going to the Doctor
Fears of a Heart Attack
Fear of Heights
Fear of Injections
Fear of Insects
Fear of Intimacy
Fear of Loud Noises
Fear of Meeting People
Fear of Mountainous Driving
Fear of MRI Scans
Fear of Needles
Fear of Others Vomiting
Fear of Pain
Fear of Poverty
Fear of Rejection
Fear of Rollercoasters
Fear of Snakes
Fear of Spiders
Fear of Swimming
Fear of Trains
Fear of Water

You're Ready to Make the Change Today...

You're Ready to Schedule Your Appointment

We can work with you in-office, via phone, via Google Meet or via Apple Facetime worldwide. Scheduling is fast and easy online. We are happy to answer questions at anytime by calling our office or send an e-mail to: questions@meridianpeakhypnosis.com.

Our Practitioners Are Committed To Your Success - Click to Schedule

Marc Holm, CHt

Clients ages 14 & up
Initial Visit (In-Office)
Follow-Up Visit (In-Office)
Initial Visit (Online Only)
Follow-Up Visit (Online Only)
Jodi Grubman, CH

Clients ages 16 & up
Initial Visit (In-Office)
Follow-Up Visit (In-Office)
Initial Visit (Online Only)
Follow-Up Visit (Online Only)

Additional Information:

Wikipedia - Hypnotherapy
Wikipedia - Self Hypnosis
National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH)